
CEDIA NEWS – The Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts

Research Fellow in the School of Media Dr Karen Patel has been appointed as the new Director of the Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts (CEDIA). Karen will be co-chairing the Centre with Indy Hunjan, founder of Kala Phool.

CEDIA was founded in 2020 by Professor Rajinder Dudrah and Professor Alison Honour, with the launch week taking place in July 2021. The centre, based in the Faculty of Arts, Design and Media, acts as a locus across the University and City region in collaboration with cultural partners to offer a critical and practical space for thinking and doing equality, diversity and inclusion. Karen and Indy will work with the CEDIA Steering group, cultural partners, students and staff on events and projects focused on equality and diversity in the arts.

Professor Alison Honour, Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Design & Media, Birmingham City University, says:

The Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion provides an important focus on the advancement of EDI in Arts, Culture and Creative Industries as a key strategic priority for the Faculty of Arts Design and Media to support the development of our future BCU creative graduates working closely in partnership with our arts organisations and the cultural life of the City of Birmingham.

Professor Rajinder Dudrah, former Director of CEDIA says:

I am delighted that Karen Patel will be leading CEDIA as its new Director and both her and Indy Hunjan will be Co-Chairing its development. This is an exciting and challenging time to be undertaking the work of EDI in HE and in partnership across the city region, and I cannot think of two better colleagues to take this work forward.

For more information about CEDIA visit the website.

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